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Footnotes & Highlights

In addition to the Markdown basics, Siteleaf supports some advanced syntax to make formatting your content easier. Here is a sentence showing off a highlight and also a footnote1.

Footnotes are great for citing and referencing sources, or for expanding on ideas. They are created like this:

A cool sentence[^1].

[^1]: A cool footnote.

  1. This is a footnote in Siteleaf! 

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Quick tip: Assets in meta fields

Siteleaf makes it easy to assign assets in your metadata fields, just drag and drop (as shown above).

Now in your theme, you can easily link to your asset:

<a href="{{ meta['project_link'] }}">
  {{ meta['project_link_title'] }}

This is a great way to reference special assets like featured images or PDF downloads.

To learn more about metadata see our tutorial Metadata in Siteleaf.

Using Markdown in metadata

In previous posts, we talked about using Markdown for text formatting and Metadata for extending your content in Siteleaf.

Markdown makes it easy to add links and *emphasis* to your content without having to write HTML. While your body content uses Markdown by default, you can also apply this easy-to-use formatting to your metadata.

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