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Now publishing to GitHub Pages

Now publishing to GitHub Pages

Exciting news! Starting today you can now publish your sites from Siteleaf to GitHub Pages.

GitHub Pages is a solid choice for static web hosting, especially if you already use GitHub to manage your theme code—and it’s clear a lot of our users already do.

Why GitHub Pages?

Every publish from Siteleaf shows as a commit on GitHub.com

Siteleaf will publish your site to the gh-pages branch of your repository (private or public), and even create the required CNAME file for GitHub. For full details, visit our GitHub Pages help page.

We’ve been quietly testing this feature out over the past couple weeks, and we’re excited to make it available to all users right now.

GitHub Pages joins our existing publishing options—FTP, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files, and our free Siteleaf Hosting—giving you more flexibility and reaffirming our committment that your data belongs to you. Enjoy!

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