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Using custom domains with Siteleaf Hosting

Siteleaf v1 Docs » Hosting » Siteleaf Hosting » Using custom domains with Siteleaf Hosting

To use your own domain with Siteleaf Hosting (e.g. www.example.com), check the “Use custom domain” option under your site’s settings.

Domain settings

After you save your changes, Siteleaf will display an address above the domain field. This address is the unique CDN address for your site.


To use a custom subdomain (e.g. blog.example.com), create a CNAME record in your domain provider’s DNS settings. This should point to your unique CDN address.

Record Name Target
CNAME blog abc123.rackcdn.com

Root domains

Since CNAME records are not generally supported on root domains (e.g. example.com), you will need to redirect your root domain to a subdomain (generally www). In your domain provider’s DNS settings, follow these settings:

  1. Redirect your root domain to its www version (e.g. www.example.com).

  2. Edit the CNAME for www and point it to your unique CDN address.

Record Name Target
URL or Forward @ or example.com www.example.com
CNAME www abc123.rackcdn.com

Note: If your domain provider does not support redirects (sometimes called URL records), you can use the free service wwwizer: http://wwwizer.com/naked-domain-redirect