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Taxonomy and Tags

Siteleaf v1 Docs » Theme Documentation » Variables » Taxonomy and Tags

Siteleaf allows you to use multiple tag sets called Taxonomy. By default, each site will have one set called Tags.

Variable Description
taxonomy Array of all taxonomy sets.
taxonomy.KEY Get tags by set name, ie. Tags.


Variable Description
key Name of taxonomy set, ie. Tags.
slug URI slug for set, ie. tags.
url URL for set page without domain, ie. /blog/tags
permalink URL for set page with domain, ie. http://mysite.com/blog/tags
tags Array of tags in set.
tags.KEY Get single tag by name, ie. Design.


Variable Description
value Name of tag, ie. Design.
slug URI slug for tag set, ie. design.
url URL for tag page without domain, ie. /blog/tags/design
permalink URL for tag page with domain, ie. http://mysite.com/blog/tags/design
posts Array of posts with this tag.

Count number of tags in the default Tags set:

{{taxonomy['tags'] | size}}

Count number of tags in the Colors tag set:

{{taxonomy['colors'] | size}}

Get first tag in the Colors tag set:


Loop through the Tags set:

{% for tag in taxonomy['tags'] %}
  <li><a href="{{tag.url}}">{{tag.value}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

Loop through the Colors set:

{% for tag in taxonomy['colors'] %}
  <li><a href="{{tag.url}}">{{tag.value}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

Loop through all tag sets:

{% for set in taxonomy %}
  <li>{{set.key}} ({{set | size}} tags)
    {% for tag in set %}
      <li><a href="{{tag.url}}">{{tag.value}}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Loop through the Food set on the Blog page, then display all posts for each tag:

{% for tag in site.pages.blog.taxonomy['Food'] %}
  <h1>{{ tag.value }}</h1>

  {% for post in tag.posts %}
    <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}