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Getting started

Siteleaf v1 Docs » Theme Documentation » Getting started

Siteleaf uses the popular Liquid syntax for themes. If you can write HTML, you’ll have no problem using Liquid.

Here’s how a simple template might look:

    <title>{{site.title}} | {{title}}</title>



  {% if parent %}
  <p><a href="{{parent.url}}">&larr; Go back</a></p>
  {% endif %}


As you can see, there are two types of markup in Liquid:

1) Output markup (which may resolve to text) is surrounded by

{{ matched pairs of curly brackets (ie, braces) }}

2) Tag markup (which cannot resolve to text) is surrounded by

{% matched pairs of curly brackets and percent signs %}

If you are new to the Liquid syntax, a good place to start is Liquid for Designers.