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Advanced Liquid: Group By

Advanced Liquid: Group By

Following sort and where, this Advanced Liquid post introduces another handy new filter to Siteleaf: group_by.

As the name suggests, this filter allows you to group your content by a certain property.

For example, here’s how we could group all posts by year published:

{% assign posts_by_year = site.posts | group_by:"year" %}

You can group by any property like date, title, slug, even metadata and taxonomy. Here are a few real-world examples you may want to apply to your theme.

Group posts by author

With multiple authors on our blog, it may be a good idea to group together posts by each author. So let’s do that.

Starting with site.posts (all posts within our site), we can apply the group_by filter with author as the parameter:

{% assign posts_by_author = site.posts | group_by:"author" %}

Behind the scenes, posts are collected into an array which looks something like this:

  {"name": "Skylar Challand", "items": [...]},
  {"name": "Larry Fox", "items": [...]},

The property (in this case author) can be accessed by name and matching posts are grouped under items. Knowing that, we can display our grouped posts like this:

{% for author in posts_by_author %}
  {% for posts in author.items %}
  <dd><a href="{{post.url}}">{{post.title}}</a></dd>
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Tip: To sort our authors alphabetically we could also apply sort to our group:

{% assign posts_by_author = site.posts | group_by:"author" | sort:"name" %}

Group posts by metadata

group_by also works on metadata and taxonomy. For example, here’s how we could group posts by color:

{% assign posts_by_color = site.pages | group_by:"meta.color" %}

Our grouped array will look something like this:

  {"name": "red", "items": [...]},
  {"name": "blue", "items": [...]},

Archive page

Grouping posts by year is a common pattern on archive pages. Since Siteleaf already generates archive pages for us, we can easily sprinkle in group_by and have a beautiful blog archive in minutes.

First, let’s group our posts by year:

{% assign posts_by_year = posts | group_by:"year" %}

Note: We are using posts in this case rather than site.posts because we only want posts relative to this page (but either could work).

Now we can display our grouped posts:

{% for year in posts_by_year %}
  {% for post in year.items %}
    <li><a href="{{post.url}}">{{post.title}}</a></li>
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Extra credit: We could take this a step further and do a multi-level group, showing posts by year AND month:

{% for year in posts_by_year %}
  {% assign posts_by_month = year.items | group_by:"month" %}
  {% for month in posts_by_month %}
    <h3>{{month.items.first.date | date:"%B"}}</h3>
    {% for post in month.items %}
      <li><a href="{{post.url}}">{{post.title}}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

In case you’re wondering, %B gives us the month name (e.g. “April”) from a date. For full documentation see our date formatting guide.

Until next time, happy coding!

Follow @siteleaf and stay tuned for more Advanced Liquid.

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